We spent Christmas in Montreal and decided to go explore Quebec city for 2 days. It took me a long time to post these pictures, it was wayyy before the winter hit us up! The capitale of Quebec is located 2 hours west from Montreal and the road was flat and quite boring… But Quebec City is a lovely town up on a rock, by the Saint Laurent River, a powerful river that allowed the French pioneers to settle here a few centuries ago! American friends in Boston are obsessed with Quebec city because it’s like a piece of Europe in northern America. Is it true? What did we see?
Les plaines d’Abraham

La Terrasse Dufferin
from the Frontenac castle

La Ville Basse, the Lower City

Christmas Carols

Tiny green door

Many people on this popular tiny street

“La tire d’érable”: warm maple syrup is poured over ice, and after 60 seconds, it’s drawn over a stick. Absolutely delicious.

Vieux Québec,
Old Quebec City

We took the ferry to Levis, just to have this gorgeous view of Quebec city…
