Boston by neighborhood

Welcome to Boston… during fall!

And here you go: some pictures of Boston during fall, probably the prettiest season here in New England. Lately, the weather was mild – that was nice for the cousins who visited us a couple

Area Four in Cambridge // Brunch, pizza and bakery

I’ve been for the first time to Area Four in Cambridge a few weeks ago. This restaurant is located on the MIT campus, a famous university for scientists. But the campus has nothing to do with its

Looking for a good restaurant in Boston? // Asta

It’s been a while since I haven’t talked about restaurants on the blog. We recently had many occasions to go out and to try out a few good places around Boston though. Asta is one

Boston Harbor Islands // The love boat

Among our places-to-see list in Boston, there was “going to the Boston Harbor Islands”. Visiting these islands in Boston Bay is possible from the end of June to Labor Day – first Monday of September,

Beacon Hill // C’est chic!

When somebody ask me: what should I visit in Boston, I always answer: definitely Beacon Hill. But how could I know… I never go to Beacon Hill. It’s a residential neighborhood, very chic, and it’s

Street Style // Harvard graduates

On Thursdays afternoon, I teach French in a school, in Cambridge, and I go through Harvard University. This day, I hear some clamor: it’s Commencement Day (I’ve just learn this expression). I see a lot of students

Along the Charles River // Biking, geese and rowing

Last Sunday night, to avoid the spleen of this specific night, we wanted to spend time outside. We always see people running, and we wondered “why not us”, and then we really thought about it

Mayfair // Harvard Square, Cambridge

Last Sunday, we went to a Mayfair on Harvard Square, in Cambridge. The program was music, food and craft stands. But the main interest was really all the ‘regional’ foods. Midwest stand, or the contest

And my dreams came true // Formaggio Kitchen

Last week, I was invited for dinner at my yoga teacher’s apartment. Obviously, it was a big deal for me: this was my first “girl’s night out” since I moved to Boston. I was so excited about it! Of course my first concern