We finally got Internet at home
Relief! We finally got Internet at home…
What are the new habits, the new lifestyle I have to deal with now that I left France to the United States?
Relief! We finally got Internet at home…
Our new kitchen: Before/After
Manu has started working at Boston University. Yeah!
It’s a whole new world. One of my fear now that I live in the US: becoming fat. And I’m so tempted to go to Dunkin Donuts. Never had a donut before.
We don’t have so many expectations… we should find easily a flat in Boston. Right?…
Opening a bank account was our priority before looking for a flat. And how to live in the U.S. without a credit card? We got it now!
We left Paris with tons of luggage. Our friend Roro drove us to the airport. How to live 30 hours in one day?
The day of our immigration has finally arrived*: our own Mayflower will look like an US Airways airplane. Take off on today from Paris, at 1pm. For this event, I put a special new pantie (I’m a stylish traveler) but I’m also wearing
We had to move all our stuff from our parisian flat… Not an easy task.
It was a huge step to leave for the United States, I had to quit my job. Bye Bye!
We made up our mind: we are leaving for the United States. But we are now facing many surprising reactions from our friends and family…