French-US cultural gap

There are a lot of cultural gaps… as well as in the everyday life details as in main events, that's why it's so fun to talk about French and American cultures.

Cinema // Popcorn and other habits

Before a movie, in France we see a character called Jean Mineur (Jean the coal miner) with a small ice ax  he’s flying over a train rail towards a theater, and finally hit a target. End of the

Life as an expatriate // Becoming a Cheap Bastard

We had to live the last week of March as ‘Cheap Bastards’. We spent carelessly our money by going out: restaurants, bars and so on… In fact, I don’t really know how or why, but

Friends // Hugs and French food

Having friends is our big challenge. We’ve been in Boston for almost 3 months, and we will be there for the next 2 years: we need friends. So we are always looking for every occasion

Doggy bag

We went to an Italian restaurant close to our place: Carlo’s. Well, it wasn’t a success. When Italy meets America, it can be huge… We asked for “doggy bags” at the end of the dinner, but

Night’s game and America’s Test Kitchen

My conversation partner invited us for a “night’s game”. She had also invited a friend who is a chef for a cookbook publisher. I love the coincidence (that was my job in Paris). Before accepting her invitation, I asked what would be the

I have a conversation partner

I need to improve my English. So I wrote an ad, I let it at the French cultural center and wait for people interesting in meeting me to talk in French, and in English. And it

What do you eat in the United States?

Prejudices against American food are huge in France. But it’s a bit hypocrite because we love Mac Donald’s burgers… Anyway, I was wondering what we will eat in Boston. And I’m pretty surprised… in a

Almost bilingual?

I stammer, I doubt, I don’t know what to say. Well, it’s still pretty hard to understand and be understood. And when it comes to interact with people, I start sweating. I need to improve

How to meet new people when you live abroad

It’s not easy to meet new people when you’re an expat. I tried an easy method to start with, I went to a French association of exat in Boston. We’ve got a rendez-vous at the Museum of

The laundry time experiment

*Doing the laundry myself is ruining my nail polish Somebody told me once, that you knew that you were an adult when you owned your washing machine. But in our new flat, we have to