It’s the first Easter we spent in the US. I’ve totally forgot about this celebration, I didn’t really know when it was. But I saw these Easter Trees in the streets of Boston, it has to be close! I also discovered some traditions… more or less interesting, or even crazy!In France, bells bring eggs in the garden, on Easter Sunday. I’ve discovered here the story of Easter bunny. In the school where I’m working, one mother brought eggs for the kids, I had to give them. I really wanted to try one, but I couldn’t decently ask them to share with me. There was one egg lost in a bag… I tried… But 100% sugar, not a very tasty taste.

The other day, when I went out of my yoga class, I was starving for sugar. I went to Sweet with a friend. We saw in the window these very cute Peeps Cupcakes. She explained me what they were. Another treat I’ve no idea of!
In France, we used to eat lamb and beans for Easter, and of course, chocolate. So we asked to American friends what was the typical Easter meal. They hesitated and said it was ham. I looked for a confirmation. I visited the website of Martha Stewart (I assume she’s the lifestyle goddess here?) and I’ve found this recipe. I also saw the contest of ‘Easter Pet’. This is the winner…

Since Easter is at least a religious celebration, I want to share these pictures of one of the most amazing church in Boston, in the very ‘chic’ Back Bay. I like Trinity Church (1877), on Copley Square: her very bizarre style, a mix between roman, Renaissance steeple, some gargoyles, a cloister… all this strange look in front of one of the classiest and very refined building. Hancock Tower is probably my favorite skyscraper in Boston (from Pei, again!) : narrow and covered with mirrors.

I’m surprised by the numerous churches in Boston, and the sign in front of them telling the confessions, schedules, etc.

For fans, here there are the worst Kids and Easter Bunny pics. Super Creepy.