I didn’t go out very often for a brunch in Paris: too expensive, too boring (bacon or salmon, pannacotta or brownie, apple or orange juice), crowded places… I was disappointed and that’s why I’ve started making my own home-made brunch. I’ve tried here in Boston: USA, brunch home, it should be different, right?

A brunch in a messy ambiance: The Friendly Toast in Cambridge.

- Menus: in France usually there’s an unique menu: you’ve got a nice basket of croissants, pain au chocolat(chocolate bread), brioche, bread and jam. And then you’ve got another plate with scambled eggs, bacon or salmon and a tiny dessert (fruits salad or a cake). Here I was surprised of the huge size of the menus. It’s hard to figure out what you want! As an person guided by her habits, I tend to prefer eating sweety things for breakfast, such as pancakes or waffles (it’s better if you like cinnamon, it’s everywhere – I’ve bought honey with cinnamon, on my bread, it tastes like Christmas, strange feeling in the middle of July).To try : waffles (Belgium specialty transferred to the USA), French toast (I ate that for dinner when I was young! we call it “le pain perdu”, the “lost bread”) and all the eggs specials.

- Prices: it’s hard to compare, it depends on the place. But generally, I found brunch less expensive than in Paris.

- Addresses: We like the Friendly Toast, in Cambridge, close to the MIT. It’s friendly, as the name says it and the place is full of funny old furniture. No way to book a table, so we always have to wait 30 to 45 minutes. We also like Eastern standard (for the eggs Benedict actually) and Allston Diner (for the veggie burger).
- Time: everything is sooner here. Brunch starts at 10am (never before noon or 1pm in Paris).

I’ve got 2 fantastic recipes for a home-made brunch…

1 – Boil 3-4 small potatoes for 20 minutes.
2 – In a small pan, put pieces of 1/2 red onion with water and honey. When they are soft, put the onions in the bottom of 12 mold for tiny muffins.
3 – Add small pieces of potatoes.
4 – In a bowl, mix 2 eggs with 2 big spoons of creme fraiche (or milk), add salt and pepper and pour over the potatoes.
5 – Add some thyme and a slice of Parmesan cheese (you can also add bacon).
6 – Put in the oven for 20 minutes (180°C or 380°F !). Remove from the mold, eat hot or cold. Even Manu’s grandfather (Pépé) like these frittatas!
(recipe from Larousse Cuisine)
Mix 120 g of flour, 3 g of baking powder and 30 g of sugar. Add 1 egg, 20 cl of milk and 30 g of melted butter. Bake the pancakes in a tiny span. Serve with maple syrup and butter.
And what about you, do you like brunch? Do you go out or do you make it at home? Tell me if you’ve got nice recipes to share.