The laundry time experiment

*Doing the laundry myself is ruining my nail polish

Somebody told me once, that you knew that you were an adult when you owned your washing machine. But in our new flat, we have to share it. What does it mean now?

The laundry is in the basementWe didn’t visit any flat with a individual washing machine. Each time, there was share room with washing machine. It can be nice, sometimes, with the good smell of hot laundry. It could also have been like in TV shows (my cultural reference about USA), a place to meet the neighbor. But in my building, it’s not exactly like that. It’s ugly and scary: the two washing machines and dryers are in a sort of cave. There’s a neon, which works with a timer. It’s rather dirty on the floor (wet clothing which fall on the ground will be abandoned right away). The worse thing is to imaging sharing the place where I wash my clothes with all my neighbors. It’s too intimate… and so, I’m sorry,  but I thing it’s absolutely disgusting. Disgusting and creepy. Yet in the end, the clothes are clean, right? I have nothing to fear, promise? We accumulated three weeks of unwashed clothes. And I finally manage to put appart 8 quarters. I’m a big girl, I can do it, I can do the laundry in a shared room. That’s be adult.

Positive conclusion, at least: laundry only lasts 30 minutes. Will my clothes be fresh and clean in such a short time? I do not know. In any case it was frozen when I pulled it out of the machine.



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